Friday, 15 April 2022

Cedric McMillan Dead: Body Builder’s Cause of Death


Cedric McMillan has died at the age of 44.

His death was confirmed on Instagram in an April 13, 2022, post by his sponsor, Black Skull USA.

What was his cause of death? Generation Iron reported through sources that McMillan “suffered a heart attack while on the treadmill,” but noted that this was unconfirmed.

Here’s what you need to know:

McMillan Said Previously That He Almost Died of the Ramifications From a Past Bout With COVID-19

In November, McMillan revealed that he was “dealing with breathing and heart issues” from contracting COVID the year before. He developed pneumonia and was placed on life support, Generation Iron reported.

At one point on 2021, he didn’t show up for the finals of the Legion Sports Fest, revealing that “a series of medical issues” were to blame.

“I was almost dead,” he told Generation Iron of his battle with COVID.

Black Skull USA wrote,

We regret to inform you that our friend and brother @cedricmcmillan passed away today. Cedric will be greatly missed as an athlete, comrade, friend, and father. Our prayers are with all his family and friends. He “fought the good fight” and now he rests. – Marcelo Bella

According to Bleacher Report

, McMillan was a Mr. Olympia competitor who also suffered a mountain biking crash in 2020.

According to Barbend, he said this about that accident:

So I’m out here riding and going down a hill around a curve, and somehow lost traction on the back tire which drifted me off the hill. So here I am, mountain bike on the f###### hill, and the only thing you can think about is ‘what is going to stop me’ you know? Something’s going to stop me, right? So when I came off the bike, I’m not exactly sure what I hit first. I’m in a curve to the left, I hit my left hip and left shoulder, and at some point, as I was rolling, I think I tried to break my fall with my hand, or hold onto the handlebar. I know the back part of my hand was what hit.

The Arnold Sports Festival Described McMillan as Having a ‘Gentle Heart’ & ‘Infectious Smile’

The Arnold Sports Festival, a competition McMillan once won, wrote a tribute on Instagram. It reads,

Our entire family at the Arnold Sports Festival is heartbroken to learn of the passing of 2017 Arnold Classic Champion Cedric McMillan.

Known for his larger than life personality, his infectious smile, a gentle heart, and a sense of humor that was loved by fellow competitors and fans alike, Cedric will be deeply missed.

While Cedric’s competitive accomplishments, which included multiple professional wins alongside his 2017 Arnold Classic title, made him a star in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, the career he was most proud of was his 20+ years of selfless service to his country in the United States Army, where he achieved the rank of Sergeant First Class in July of 2021.

Above all, Cedric McMillan was a husband and a father, and we send our most heartfelt condolences to his family during this incredibly difficult time.

According to CNN,

McMillan was a member of the South Carolina National Guard at the time of his death.

His final posts on Instagram are a promotional post for a fitness supplement and a quote about the secret of success being “constancy of purpose.”

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