Friday 11 February 2022

Cirie Fields Claims She ‘Absolutely’ Would Have Won in ‘Micronesia’ Finals

Four-time “Survivor” contestant Cirie Fields is a legend of the game, and is widely considered to be one of the best to ever play. However, much to the chagrin of many fans, she has never been able to secure a win, despite multiple close calls.

Perhaps her closest brush with victory came in her second appearance, season 16, “Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites,” in which she made it to the final 3 alongside allies Amanda Kimmel and eventual eventual winner Parvati Shallow. However, all three ladies were blindsided when it was revealed that the show would end in a final 2, rather than the final 3 they were all expecting. After that, Cirie was voted off when Amanda won the final immunity challenge and chose to take her top ally Parvati to the end with her.

Recently, Cirie weighed in on whether she believed she would have won in the expected a final 3, and whether she would have beaten either ladies in a final 2. Here’s what you need to know:

Cirie: There’s Not ‘A Jury in America’ That Wouldn’t Vote to Give Me a Million Dollars

Cirie Fields at Survivor Micronesia finale

GettyCirie Fields at the “Survivor: Micronesia” reunion show in 2008.

In an interview Thursday on The Pod Has Spoken podcast, Cirie revealed that she believed she would have won in any scenario in “Micronesia” had she made it to the finals.

“Listen,” she said, “I might be shooting myself in the foot by even saying this: don’t ever let me talk to the jury! I don’t know a jury in America from here, ‘Survivor’ to the Supreme Court that would not grant me that million dollars.”

Tyson Apostol, another four-time “Survivor” player, said he agreed. “I don’t disagree,” he said. “I think you are one of a handful of ‘Survivor’ contestants that you absolutely do not want to give a seat to at the finals, and that is because you know your audience, you know who you are as a person, and you can articulate both of those things well. And so I think that anybody who is talented at that is very dangerous.”

When Apostol asked if she would “definitely” win the season had it been a final 3, she replied, “Oh, hands [down].” When he then asked if she would have won in a final 2 against either Amanda or Parvati, she replied, “Absolutely. And I love Parv, [and] the most competition would’ve been Parv, but I would’ve gotten it.”

Cirie Likely Would Have Won in a ‘Micronesia’ Final 2 or 3

Survivor Micronesia contestants at reunion

GettyCirie alongside the “Survivor: Micronesia” “Favorites” and “Fan” Natalie Bolton (third from right).

Naturally, given that “Micronesia” is one of the show’s most popular seasons, and the final 3 is widely considered to be one of the best and most strategic final 3’s in the show’s history, fans have long speculated as to who would have won had it actually been a final 3. Fittingly, it likely would’ve been a very close vote, but it seems as though Cirie would have taken it.

Jurors Eliza Orlins (in multiple exit interviews), Alexis Jones (in post-game interviews and a Ponderosa video), and Erik Reichenbach (in interviews and a Reddit AMA) have all said that Cirie would have had their vote had she made it to the final 3. This is particularly evident with Eliza, who made her disdain for the actual final 2 very clear during Final Tribal Council. Given this, even if the other four jurors – Ozzy Lusth, James Clement, Jason Siska, and Natalie Bolton – wouldn’t have voted for Cirie over the person they actually voted for, Cirie still would have won in a 3-2-2 vote.

Had Cirie been up against Parvati in a final 2, it’s safe to assume she would have secured Eliza, Alexis, and Erik’s votes, along with Ozzy and James, both of whom were very vocal about how hurt they felt by Parvati’s betrayal of Ozzy. Amanda is also known for her poor performances at Final Tribal Council, so it may be safe to assume that Cirie would have won against her as well, even had Amanda retained Ozzy and James’ votes, and maybe even picked up Parvati’s. Once again it becomes clear that Cirie was tantalizingly close to a win that once again eluded her. Although she may never have won, Cirie’s reputation as one of the greatest to ever play may be upheld.

“Survivor” airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Eastern on CBS. Season 42 premieres March 9.

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