Sunday 20 February 2022

Abby Broyles: Oklahoma Candidate Under Fire Over Preteen Valentine’s Party

Abby Broyles is a Congressional candidate in Oklahoma who has caused controversy after being accused of using profanity and bigoted language toward preteen girls and misbehaving during a Valentine’s Day party at a parent’s home.

Broyles’ campaign website declares, “An award-winning journalist and attorney, Abby is used to fighting to ensure people’s voices are heard. Now, Abby is running for Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District to ensure all of OK-5 is heard in Washington.”

However, the Valentine’s Day is causing a furor in Oklahoma, leading to a lengthy explanation from Broyles, 32, who is running as a Democrat. She’s running against U.S. Rep. Stephanie Bice and lost a previous race against U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Parents Made a Series of Allegations About Broyle’s Behavior at a Valentine’s Day Party

The news site first broke the story. The site reported that the party for tween girls “that included watching the film Titanic turned bizarre and tearful after parents say Oklahoma 5th Congressional District candidate Abby Broyles allegedly became drunk and berated some of the children in attendance.”

Broyles was at the party on the invite of the homeowner.

According to the news site, Broyles is accused of becoming “intoxicated and spoke derogatorily to some of the girls. She allegedly called one girl an ‘acne f*****,’ which prompted the girl to leave the room in tears. Broyles allegedly called another girl a ‘Hispanic f*****’ and another a ‘judgy f*****.'”

At one point, the news site reports, Broyles “allegedly vomited into a laundry basket and onto one girl’s shoes.”

2. Broyles Claims She Had an Adverse Reaction to Medication After Drinking Wine

Broyles gave an interview about the matter to KFOR-TV. She explained of the homeowner, “She asked me to come over. She asked me to bring some wine. We had wine and sushi and a couple of hours later, we were upstairs in their theater room watching a movie.”

She then revealed:

For years I have struggled with stress and anxiety and insomnia. I took the bar exam on 2 hours of sleep. I mean, this is how far this goes back for me. And she knows that. And she gave me a medication I had never taken before. And I had an adverse reaction. Instead of helping me sleep, I hallucinated. And I don’t remember anything until I woke up or came to, and I was throwing up in a hamper.

She maintained that she doesn’t have a substance abuse problem and denied initially telling another television station she wasn’t there, saying,

I never told them – this was on a phone call – and I never told them that I wasn’t there. I said it didn’t happen because he was asking about these allegations. And I had no idea because, again, I don’t remember this episode at all.

However, KFOR reported that the television station listened to a recording of a telephone call in which Broyles denied being at the party, prompting her to release this statement:

That phone call was terrifying and caught me off guard. I remember hearing the accusations and just repeating ‘no, no, no’ and then hanging up. I was happy to be in the TikTok video with the girls which was obvious proof of my attendance.”

3. A Parent Demanded Broyles Apologize on Twitter, Calling Broyles’ Behavior ‘Vile, Cruel & Bigoted’

Sarah Matthews, a mother whose child was at the party, went off on Broyles in a Twitter thread, writing, “@abbybroyles Since it’s been five days and you have neglected to reach out to any of the young ladies (12 & 13 yr olds, including my daughter) you verbally and emotionally abused last weekend, I thought I would give you a chance to try to apologize (at a minimum) here.”

She added:

For someone who pontificates to be undyingly pro woman, I am disgusted by your behavior and find it appalling you couldn’t understand why their parents are angry. Your vile, cruel, and bigoted behavior should not be excused or ‘swept under the rug.’

Continued Matthews, “Not only did you scare and traumatize these beautiful girls with your words, you ruined a pair of their shoes with your vomit! (Which she saved up to buy with her own money!) Considering how much you bragged about how ‘rich and successful’ you are to these children, surely you can afford to replace her shoes!”

4. Broyles Was a Television Reporter in Oklahoma City Who Is Running to ‘Fight the GOP’

Broyles rails at the GOP on Twitter. When she announced her candidacy in September 2021, she tweeted, “We don’t have time for the Radical Right. I’m in.”

According to her website biography page, Broyles worked as a television journalist for an NBC station in Oklahoma City.

“Journalist and attorney Abby Broyles has dedicated herself to seeking out the best in Oklahoma, holding those who hurt our families accountable, and protecting taxpayer dollars,” the bio says. “Knowing her responsibility as a journalist was to report with accuracy, Abby worked to ensure that voices on all sides were heard, earning the trust of Oklahomans during her decade on television.”

It continues, “Abby graduated college in two-and-a-half years and began working as a journalist at age 20. She spent the majority of her television career at the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City.”

5. Broyles touts a Sexual Harassment Story She Covered

On her website Broyles touts her reporting on sexual harassment. She wrote,

As an award-winning investigative reporter, Abby uncovered political corruption that led to felony charges against Oklahoma Senator Kyle Loveless. She unraveled the story of a hush-money sexual harassment scandal at the state Capitol and exposed a loophole that allowed a sexual predator of children to keep his taxpayer-funded retirement. Her calling card was holding lawmakers accountable for wasting taxpayer dollars defending legislation they knew to be unconstitutional.

In her U.S. Senate campaign, she held Jim Inhofe accountable on everything from Covid-19 to dumping stocks before the pandemic to his refusal to debate her on the issues. In Congress, Abby will hold her colleagues on both sides of the aisle accountable, protect taxpayer dollars, and crack down on waste, fraud, and abuse.

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