Saturday 23 October 2021

Maci Bookout Slams Co-Star Over the ‘Black Situation’

The tea is piping hot between the cast members of “Teen Mom OG.” Maci Bookout was not going to let Cheyenne Floyd take the heat in her feud against Mackenzie Douthit McKee.

McKee found herself in hot water last year after she referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “colored.” Harris, the first woman of color and the first woman to ascend to the vice presidency, is of Jamaican and Indian descent. “It blows my mind that out of all the amazing colored women in the world, that is the one who is making history,” McKee previously wrote.

After facing a swift backlash for her comments, McKee reached out to Floyd — the only woman of color on the “Teen Mom OG” cast — to chat. According to Floyd, the conversation didn’t go well and McKee continued to put her “foot in her mouth.”

Floyd claimed McKee was “coached” by MTV producers and met with Color of Change — a nonprofit civil rights advocacy group — to help educate her about civil rights. But the information, according to Floyd, didn’t sink in.

When “Teen Mom OG” cast members started to release photos and videos from the October 2021 reunion, fans quickly noticed McKee was missing from the promotional material. In messages that were deleted — but saved via screenshot by “Teen Mom” fan pages — McKee said she was left out because Floyd “hates” her.

“Chey hates me so I did it solo,” McKee wrote and then deleted. “There are editing me in.”

That’s where Bookout stepped in:

With all due respect [Mackenzie McKee], there is no editing on my Instagram page and if we’re going to call things out then we can start now. As far as I am concerned, you’re far too worried about how you’re portrayed to people than you are on how you treat people. If you prefer, we can continue this conversation elsewhere. If not, I won’t take offense to you unfollowing me. Next time you want to say something that starts a conversation, please don’t delete it.

Floyd Said MTV Made the Decision to Exclude McKee

Floyd rejected McKee’s assertion that the Oklahoma native was left out of the promotional footage because she “hated” her.

“I am not a MTV producer… I don’t call the shots,” Floyd wrote on Instagram on October 22, 2021. “But if you feel the need to keep bullying me over things that haven’t happened to make yourself feel seen… be my guest.”

“You have an odd fixation on me,” she continued. “Your rendition of how things happened are beyond delusional and I wish you would focus on yourself and leave me alone.”

Floyd Said McKee ‘Doesn’t Get It’


There were apparently a lot of aspects of the last reunion that MTV didn’t air. While the main focus was on Bookout’s infamous fight with her son’s paternal grandparents, there was a lot of drama bubbling behind the scenes with McKee after she referred to Vice President Harris as “colored.”

“At the last reunion when she addressed the situation, they also had eye address the situation and it was edited out,” Floyd wrote, according to Teen Mom Chatter. “They also edited out Mackenzie having to be coached over and over again on what to say as she continued to say uneducated, ignorant and extremely naive comments.”

“Every answer she gave she brought me into it, to the point that they stopped filming, got her on the phone with Color of Change again to explain how she was in the wrong again. None of this has been shown. Watching her film her segment showed how after all of the calls and history sessions she received she still just [doesn’t] get it,” Floyd continued. “She was upset that she had to apologize or mention the ‘Black Situation.’”

READ NEXT: Mackenzie McKee Blasts Fans After Parenting Episode

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