Monday, 18 October 2021

‘Big Brother 23:’ Tiffany Says She Can’t Call Derek F. a Friend

Tiffany Mitchell, America’s Favorite Houseguest for “Big Brother 23,” has in many ways been the star of the postseason.

Although Mitchell came in sixth place, she is widely acknowledged as the mastermind behind The Cookout alliance’s success. She’s also delighted fans with her presence on social media following the season. Along with other “Big Brother 23” alums, Mitchell enjoyed an extended stay at singer and YouTuber Todrick Hall’s house after the season ended. She’s been spending a lot of time with her fellow BB23 alums Kyland Young, Hannah Chaddha, and Derek Xiao.

But what about her relationship with Derek Frazier? Mitchell and Frazier didn’t always get along in the “Big Brother” house. Many fans have accused Frazier of misogynistic behavior on the show, particularly in his treatment of Mitchell.

In an appearance on “GIRL Let’s Agree to Disagree (GLATD),” Mitchell didn’t hold back on how she really feels about Frazier.

Mitchell Wouldn’t Call Frazier a Friend

While a guest on GLATD, Mitchell emphasized that she doesn’t hold a grudge against Frazier for the things he said about her behind her back on “Big Brother.” She acknowledged the challenging nature of the show and said, “I’m not upset with him for venting.”

However, she also pointed out that she’s a person who prefers telling people her problems with them face-to-face rather than behind their backs. When asked if she’ll be friends with Frazier outside the house, she was reluctant to use the word friend.

“I do not have to be friends with anyone but there is a lot of love and I wish everyone the best. Me and Big D (Frazier) I think are just two totally different individuals,” she said. “We are not the same and there is nothing wrong with that. He conducts himself a little differently than me…I don’t know that I can use the term friends with Big D,” she added.

Mitchell Says She Wouldn’t Want Her Son to Behave Like Frazier

Mitchell went on to say that the things Frazier said about her didn’t surprise her. “Consider the source,” she said on GLATD, adding, “I don’t expect much from Big D.”

The Detroit native went on to say that if it had been Azah Awasum or Hannah Chaddha talking trash behind her back, that may have been more hurtful because “I hold them at a higher regard.”

Mitchell knows that many fans are outraged on her behalf at Frazier’s behavior, but she explained she’s been through much worse and words don’t hurt her at this point. She added that she would still want her 14-year-old son Christian to know that although she isn’t offended by Frazier’s words, she still doesn’t respect them. Mitchell emphasized that she wouldn’t condone her son communicating the way Frazier did on the show.

Mitchell’s Son Joined Her at Todrick Hall’s House

The “Big Brother 23” cast’s prolonged stay at Hall’s house has been jokingly referred to as “Big Brother 23.5.”

When Mitchell’s son Christian flew out to join, she shared an Instagram photo of them with the caption “look who joined bb23.5.” On October 17, Derek Xiao and Claire Rehfuss, who are now in a relationship, left Hall’s house to head back to New York.

On his Instagram story, Xiao filmed him and Rehfuss leaving, joking that Mitchell was now the winner of “Big Brother 23.5”

“Fine,” Mitchell said. “I’m still sad.”

READ NEXT: Derek Xiao Reveals His Unique ‘Big Brother 23’ Casting Experience 

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