Friday, 13 August 2021

‘Big Brother’s’ Christian Birkenberger Talks Alyssa Lopez Showmance & More

In his exit interview, “Big Brother 23” houseguest Christian Birkenberger talks to Heavy about his showmance with Alyssa Lopez, whether he wishes he had thrown some competitions and who he thinks is in the best position in the house right now.

Christian Knows About the Cookout Now and Jokes That He’s ‘Insulted’ Not to Be a Part of It

After being evicted from the house, Christian was told about the Cookout alliance, which he wants nothing but the best for.

Christian: “I’m so grateful to be a part of this season for so many reasons. Every single person in this cast is absolutely incredible, and to my knowledge, it sounds like this is going to be a historic season. Regardless of the fact that I’m someone who got sent home, I’m on the wrong side of this alliance that could make history, I am still extremely happy to be part of it.”

Heavy:> “So you have heard about the Cookout?”

Christian: “I have. I have heard about it. A little insulted I wasn’t asked to be a part of it [laughs].”

Christian and Alyssa Are the Real Deal

Obviously, we had to ask Christian about his showmance. He gave Alyssa a big kiss goodbye on his way out the door Thursday night. He said that he wishes he had had a better social game instead of being so isolated with her all the time, but he said Alyssa is someone he could see being with forever.

Heavy: “Do you wish now you had laid a little lower, not won as many competitions in the early weeks?”

Christian: “Absolutely not. I understand it’s kind of odd for me to answer that way, but I do think there was an alternate route where I could’ve won just as frequently as I did win and still stayed in the house [if] my social game was better. … if I put my social game to where I was balanced [with my comp wins], I could have easily had those comp wins and had the social game to maneuver myself through this week. I think the big difference between the strategy that I used and the strategy that would’ve worked is to not isolate myself with the biggest distraction in the house, which is Alyssa. So it’s very hard for me to separate that because of course, I wanted to spend every single moment with her.”

Heavy: “Do you wish you had maybe kept the showmance off the table to help your game?”

Christian: “I wish that I would have not wanted to be in the relationship. I wouldn’t have not wanted the relationship that I have with Alyssa, I’m extremely happy that we have that relationship. But I wish that I could’ve maybe not isolated myself with her so frequently because like I said, I think I could’ve kept the amount of comps that I had and socialized with a broader group of people than just Alyssa and I think I would’ve been OK. It was not the fact that I was such a comp threat, it was the fact that I was such a comp threat and didn’t have the social spiderweb in order to save myself.”

Heavy: “Talk to me about Alyssa. Is this the real deal?”

Christian: “We were talking about our relationship after the show … we really do look after each other both in the game and I’m gonna look out for her outside the game. We’re not official, it’s not anything like that, but I want to do everything in my power to make sure that she has the best amount of luck and the greatest time she can inside the game and outside the game and I hope that I’m able to be a part of that great time she has outside the game.”

Heavy: “I don’t know if you’ve heard this, but fans were pointing out on Twitter last night that the last two couples to be separated by one being in jury and one not being in jury are now married.”

Christian: “Really?! No, that has not been pointed out to me. Wow. That’s a lot of pressure, guys! [laughs]. She’s someone I really can see myself being with forever. Since I’ve left the house, I’ll be honest, she has been the only thing on my mind. She really is the No. 1 reason I’m so upset to be leaving the house, especially pre-jury. … I would’ve worked just as hard as I did to survive, I would’ve worked just as hard to pitch that she needs to be the winner of this competition. I wish the best for her and I cannot wait to see her outside the house. Makes me so happy.”

Christian Has No Hard Feelings Toward Derek X

All Christian can do right now is give it up to Derek Xiao for getting him out of the house, but he said if he had stayed this week, he absolutely would’ve honored his deal to keep Derek X safe for a while.

Heavy: “How are you feeling toward Derek X and the rest of the house?”

Christian: “Man, congratulations to him. He did a good job. He took the shot that I should’ve taken last week, so I got nothing to say to him besides you played a better game than I did. I had all the power last week to take him out … in hindsight, it seems I should’ve taken the shot. But I’m not gonna dwell on it because I know he’s next to go because of this move. And I’m gonna be the first one to tell him, ‘I told you so, buddy. I told you. You took out your shield, you’re next.'”

Heavy: “If you had managed to stay in the house, would he have absolutely been your target this week?”

Christian: No. I would have honored my deal. I know, I give people the benefit of the doubt and that does kind of screw me in the end. But I promised him if I stayed this week, I would throw this competition, which doesn’t really sound like me, but I needed to start playing smarter, so I would’ve thrown this competition. I can’t say, ‘Listen, I’m not a big comp threat, keep me around,’ and then at the first opportunity to play a comp, I win. So I could not have won this comp. I would’ve thrown it. I did promise him that I would’ve thrown it and I wouldn’t go after him the next time I got HOH. So to keep that promise, I would’ve thrown it to someone hopefully I think I would’ve been able to sway in order to get him out. There’s the little loophole. I won’t go after you, but I’m gonna work my butt off to make sure the next HOH does go after you and does my dirty work for me.”

Who Are in the Best and Worst Positions in the House?

Heavy: “Who do you think is in the best position in the house right now?”

Christian: Xavier, my buddy, my best friend in the house. Xavier is in the best position. Now I know he’s part of this really intricate, extremely intelligent, diverse group of people that can win competitions, strategize, socialize with other people, make connections with everybody. They have every single base covered. They are really in a good position with this Cookout alliance and Xavier being in that Cookout alliance, I think he probably has a smaller alliance within that one … He’s extremely smart. Every single sign, looking back on it now, points to the fact that he is a successful lawyer and now that I know he is, it does make sense. The man went to bed at 10 o’clock every night. I don’t know a single model or bartender that has a 10 p.m. bedtime. He also was the reason I had all those arguments [to stay]. Those were really all his ideas, I just was able to physically make the pitches.”

Heavy: Who do you think is in the worst position?

Christian: Unfortunately, I think Britini is and that breaks my heart. She’s been on the block three times before, she’s someone I had a final two alliance with, someone who is extremely passionate in this game, and someone who I believe, just like me, is not there for the money. She’s there to enjoy every single second in the house, just like I did. It really does break my heart. I was on the block for three days and it sucks. As much as it was exciting for me to be there because I felt like I was really participating in the game, I cannot imagine what it was like being on the block three times in a row … I’m so sorry to say it, but I think she’s gonna be the next one to leave the house.

Heavy: What’s your take on Sarah Beth and Kyland because a lot of people in the house think they’re some kind of secret duo or her girlfriend is fake or whatever.

Christian: Yeah. I don’t want to say anything bad about them because I really like them. I just think the relationship is odd. I think they were arguably showed more PDA in public than Alyssa and me did as a showmance and the only reason I think that rubbed people the wrong way is because everybody knows about Sarah Beth’s relationship outside the house with her girlfriend. So it did rub people the wrong way, but you know what, she’s playing a better game than I am. She survived the block, she survived next to me, she’s still in the house and it’s not for me to say whether or not she had permission to play this game that way if that’s how she wants to play, it seems to be working, so it’s extremely good for her … but yes, her and Kyland definitely is an odd relationship in the house that people are taking notice of. People are very aware of it. It’s just unfortunate that they split me and Alyssa up before them.

“Big Brother” season 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

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