Tuesday 13 July 2021

Julie Chen Dissects the ‘Big Brother 23’ Cast

Host Julie Chen Moonves did not hold back when she was recently asked about the “Big Brother 23” cast. Find out why she thinks this cast will player “harder” and “dirtier” than ever before, plus what “the word behind the scenes is” about the four teams.

Chen Moonves Says The Prize Money Increase Will Make the Cast Player ‘Dirtier’

In a recent interview with “Entertainment Weekly,” Chen Moonves was asked about increasing the “Big Brother” prize from $500,000 to $750,000 and if she thinks it will change how the houseguests play the game. She thinks it definitely will change how hard the houseguests play.

“I think it will make them play harder and maybe even dirtier. That’s A LOT of money. We just turned things up to 11,” said Chen Moonves.

She was also asked if she thinks any of the four teams looks particularly stronger than the others. In case you’ve forgotten, the teams are as follows:

  • Jokers – Frenchie, Azah, Britini, and Derek F.
  • Aces – Whitney, Brent, Derek X., and Hannah
  • Kings – Christian, Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
  • Queens – Claire, Kyland, Tiffany, and Travis

Chen Moonves said she thinks the teams are actually pretty equitable and the production agrees.

“The word behind the scenes is … that all four teams look formidable … and I agree. Each team has its share of brains, brawn, and beauty. Those are three things that come in handy in the ‘Big Brother’ house!” said the longtime host.

Her Twitter poll, however, shows that two teams have quickly floated to the top of the fans’ list. The Jokers won the poll with 45.7 percent of the vote, with the Queens a close second at 36.3 percent. The Aces and Kings trailed with just 10.7 percent and 7.2 percent, respectively.

Finally, Chen Moonves praised the first Head of Household’s competition abilities and said if she were Frenchie, she absolutely would have gone for the double-or-nothing offer for two weeks of safety.

“I would have went for it! Especially if I were Frenchie and had his skills at games. The man has not lost a competition yet! Already, he has 3 wins under his belt. His record is off to a tremendous start,” she said.

Chen Moonves Also Said She Still Gets Butterflies From Hosting

On her own social media accounts, Chen Moonves has been sharing thoughts and insights with her fans. After Sunday night’s episode, she posted in an Instagram story, “I loved last night’s episode of ‘Big Brother’ amd the new Wildcard competition … I can’t wait to see everyone for the first live eviction for the summer.”

She also said that even “23 seasons and 21 years later, I still get [butterflies] being on this stage. Thanks for watching.”

As for the fans, live feed watchers have been pretty ecstatic with the chaos of the first week in the house, even if the editors can’t fit all the craziness into the broadcast episodes. The houseguests definitely came to play and they came out of the gate playing hard.

“Big Brother” season 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

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