Wednesday 28 July 2021

Janelle Pierzina Calls ‘Big Brother 23’ Boring

After a disappointingly predictable all-stars season last summer, “Big Brother” fans were cautiously optimistic that “Big Brother 23” would be better. But all-star Janelle Pierzina has already dubbed this season dull.

Pierzina has played “Big Brother” more than anyone, placing third twice and appearing in seasons six, seven, fourteen, and twenty-two. During last year’s all-star season, she was immediately seen as a huge threat and was evicted in week three.

In a recent tweet, Pierzina wrote “I’m hoping for a power flip next week this season is a little snooze for me this far.” She added, “I really want a female to win an HOH.” The first three heads of Household this summer were all male: Frenchie, Kyland, and Xavier. Pierzina is known for being an HOH comp beast. She won HOH four times during “Big Brother 7.”

One Twitter user responded to Pierzina, saying “no offense queen, but all stars was the most boring season ever. But, I do want female for HOH.” Pierzina replied, “I agree it was the most boring, but this isn’t much better.

Pierzina Might Not Be Watching the Live Feeds

It’s possible that the “Big Brother” legend is bored because she hasn’t been tuning in to the live feeds. As is always the case, the edited episodes that air on CBS cut a lot out and make the events of a week in the “Big Brother” house seem a bit tidier and more predictable.

What you miss if you don’t watch the live feeds are the hours of back and forth and indecision that go into nominations and evictions. This week, there has been much talk on the live feeds about throwing the HOH competition on Thursday. No one from the Queens team wants to win. They’d rather have someone from the Jokers or the Aces take a shot at the Kings so they don’t get any blood on their hands.

This season features several elements that make for a truly great season of “Big Brother“. We have the erratic players who seem slightly clueless (Brent who still thinks he has the votes to stay this week, Britini whose hysterics could turn her from a pawn into a target, and don’t even get us started on Frenchie) and then we have the highly strategic players who are playing smart, long-term games. The Queens (Kyland, Tiffany, and Claire) are always thinking several steps ahead, making for highly engaging live feeds.

What Would a Power Flip Look Like?

Pierzina mentioned a power flip in her tweet. It seems like she’s suggesting she’d like to see an HOH victory from someone who has been on the outskirts of the gameplay thus far. We also know she’d like to see a woman win.

Britini or Derek F. winning could be the wildcard that Pierzina longs for. They haven’t been talking much game and it’s not obvious who they would target. The Queens seem to think they could persuade anyone on the Jokers (Azah, Britini, and Derek F.) to nominate two Kings, potentially Christian and Alyssa. But Britini could target Kyland or Tiffany as revenge.

The Queens have discussed the pros and cons of multiple targets this week including Whitney, Hannah, and breaking up Alyssa and Christian. With all the scheming going on in the house right now, it feels like anything could happen this week.

A new episode airs tonight at 8 PM EST on CBS and Paramount Plus.

READ NEXT: EXCLUSIVE: Talking ‘Big Brother 23’ With Christie Murphy 


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