Thursday 15 July 2021

Jade Cline Responds Amid Accusations of Poor Parenting

“Teen Mom 2″ star Jade Cline issued a statement after the July 13 episode showed a contentious moment with her 3-year-old daughter, Kloie. The toddler was shown being rough with their dog and throwing her iPad on the floor, leaving Cline to drag her daughter into her room.

Following the chatter from the July 13 episode of “Teen Mom 2,” Cline took to Twitter to clarify some things. She blamed MTV and editing from the show’s producers.

“I really hope you guys understand the MTV picks and chooses what they put on the show, they will film us for weeks on end and only use a few minutes of filming so we saw them a lot more positive stuff but this season they chose to show far more difficult times,” the Indiana resident tweeted on July 14.

“Which is fine because it’s my real life but don’t base my family in my life I’m just a television show that edits and makes my life look however they perceive it,” she wrote in a second message. “Me and my daughter spent a lot of time together and we have a lot of good days.”

“We bond a lot, we play together, we learn together, and we have a really great relationship. She’s a very happy and intelligent young girl,” she continued. “Moral of the story is you can’t believe every single thing you see on TV and think that’s how life is for us 24/7.”

Cline Expressed Frustration During the Scene

Cline said during the July 13 scene she was “embarrassed” of the situation and afraid people were going to think she was a “s*** parent” for raising a “demon kid.” While boyfriend Sean Austin disagreed that they were “s*** parents,” he confirmed that Kloie was a “demon child.”

“I’m getting embarrassed and I don’t want to have these cameras up if this is how it’s going to be literally every single time we film,” Cline told Austin. “Every single time. It’s embarrassing. Cause [to the] world it looks like we have a demon kid and we’re s*** or something.”

“Well, you’re half right. We’re not s*** parents but we do have a demon child,” Austin added with a smirk.

When the incident took place, Cline expressed she had been feeling overwhelmed. After a falling out with her parents, she cut them out of her life, which also meant she didn’t have their help to raise Kloie.

“I seriously don’t get why she keeps doing this,” the hairstylist said. “I just need a break. I feel like I’ve been working for two weeks straight and I’m just tired.”

Cline said she never knows why type of mood Kloie is going to be in when she gets home from work. “I just want to hang out with her and spend time with her,” she told Austin. “She’s just going through this phase.”

“It’s like there’s no one that helps out at all to [give me] any type of relief or a break… I’ve been up since this morning working. I’m tired and now I come home to work again,” she said, referring to the MTV cameras being there. “I don’t even care to do this anymore. I really don’t.”

Cline and Austin then started to bicker after he reminded his partner that it was her idea to sign up for the show. “You don’t have a problem cashing the checks,” she shot back.

As the tensions continued to rise, Cline demanded producers stop filming. “This is how it goes when we’re overwhelmed,” she said. “Put the f***ing cameras down. We’re not even on the same page. I’m uncomfortable. I’m done.”

Cline Was Accused of Doing ‘Damage Control’

Damage Control by Jade from TeenMomOGandTeenMom2

The scene garnered a response from viewers who took to Reddit to discuss the incident, with one user sharing Cline’s full Twitter statement on the fan forum.

Many viewers were not swayed by Cline’s statement.

“You couldn’t pay me enough to treat my child like she does,” one person said.

“I’ve watched every boring episode this season, and I don’t recall Jade or Sean seeming excited to spend quality time with Kloie,” another person wrote. “They seem to act like she’s a small adult who should be able to preoccupy herself and not get in their way. It’s sad.”

Some fans encouraged Cline to take a look at the criticism.

“Ya know a little self-reflection wouldn’t kill her,” they wrote. “Imagine the empathy she would get if she stopped the cycle or even attempted to. If she posted about stopping the cycle or admitted how damn hard it is to stop the cycle…especially with those same people actively in her life.”

To find out what happens next, don’t miss “Teen Mom 2” when it airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Eastern time on MTV.

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