Saturday 31 July 2021

How Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi Really Feels About Being Famous

Since the “Jersey Shore” premiered in 2009, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi has been a household name. During a recent interview on the “This Is Paris” podcast, hosted by Paris Hilton and Hunter March, Polizzi revealed that she has mixed feelings about fame. The 33-year-old stated that she could do without being famous. 

“Now that I’ve seen the fame and all of it I would love to be just like a silent — like a silent business operator that makes millions of dollars, instead of the fame,” said Polizzi. 

The mother-of-three then suggested that she would prefer to spend time with her husband, Jionni LaValle, and their three children, Lorenzo, 8, Giovanna, 6, and Angelo, 2, without any disruption from fans.

I really want to go to the beach and do all these things with my kids but it’s like really hard because you know, people see us and they feel like they’re best friends with us because they watch the show so much,” said Polizzi. “And you know, anywhere I go it’s just a spectacle. I’m taking pictures. I’m doing all of that. I love my fans, don’t get me wrong. But if I had the choice to make the money and be famous or not famous, I would say not famous.”

She then clarified that she is not constantly bombarded by fans or paparazzi “where [she] live[s] in Jersey.”

“There’s no paparazzi chasing you. It’s just like a quiet town. So my life’s not crazy like a Kardashian, you know, where you go to a CVS and there’s cameras everywhere and like you can’t literally live a normal life. I pretty much have like a normal life but if I could choose not being famous, I would probably go that route,” stated the reality television star. 

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi Shared That She Often Goes to Target

During the “This Is Paris” interview, Polizzi also noted that she does often go out in public. She explained that she enjoys having some time alone away from her children, and she “run[s] to Starbucks” or “go[es] to like Target or something for 20 minutes.” Hilton then revealed that she is “obsessed with Target,” which caused her co-host to question how either of the celebrities manages to go to the general merchandise retailer without it becoming an issue.” 

Polizzi explained that when she takes a trip to Target “[her] mask is almost covering [her] whole face” and she chooses to “wear a big hat.” She stated that despite these measures, fans recognize her. 

“People can still see. I don’t know if it’s my eyes or my height,” said the MTV star.  

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi Previously Discussed Being Famous in 2018

Polizzi previously discussed her feelings about being famous during a 2018 interview on “Larry King Live.” She explained that she is not fond of “not being able to go out in public like you want to.” 

“You know, going to the mall, or just going to a restaurant and it’s like an appearance and you have to like say hi to everyone and take pictures,” said the mother-of-three. 

She clarified, however, that she appreciates she has a devoted fanbase. 

“Don’t get me wrong I’m totally blessed for the fans and that recognition but sometimes when you are with your family you just want to be with your family,” said Polizzi. 

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