Friday 2 July 2021

Fortnite Bug Lets You Keep the Mothership Gun for Easy Win

If you’ve been playing Fortnite since the latest update, chances are good that you’ve been abducted by the mothership once or twice.

Since the v17.10 update, players have been getting taken from the Fortnite island and put into the belly of the mothership. Once here, players are equipped with a jetpack and have one minute and 30 seconds to collect the Vault orbs. If you get all of them, you’ll be taken to a room filled with Gold loot that will set you on the path towards winning the game.

While in the mothership, you’ll be competing against other players all trying to do the same thing. Instead of coming into the ship with the loadout that you had before, you’ll instead have a special gun that knocks people back, but it doesn’t actually deal damage.

You’re supposed to only have access to this weapon in this special stage, but one Fortnite player was able to keep the weapon through the entire game and it led to them winning the whole thing.

Easy Win

So uhh i accidentaly got the alien weapon from the alien minigame and manage to get a win with it from FortNiteBR

Not only did Reddit user DonPija keep the Alien weapon from the ship, but they also kept their jetpack too. As a result, they were able to use both of these things that should be locked away in the Mothership and get an easy win.

In the video, you can see the Alien gun being used to bounce players away and knock them all around. Unfortunately for the players being zapped, fall damage is on when you’re hit by this weapon, so a big drop will take them out of the game.

That’s exactly how DonPija won this match, so it’s a fortunate glitch for the winner, but it would certainly be sad to be on the receiving end of this.

How Does the Bug Work?

Epic Games

Something the Redditor doesn’t reveal, perhaps for the best, is how to replicate this bug. Being able to keep the jetpack and the Alien gun would definitely be an issue if it becomes widespread, but it looks like this might just be a one-off thing so far.

If more players do find out how to bring these things back to the island, Epic might be forced to step in and take action. The Alien gun might not be a huge deal since it’s like a UFO blast that does no damage, but the jetpack would definitely be an issue.

Being able to zip around at those speeds, without the need of an Alien Parasite latched onto your head, would definitely create an unfair advantage, so let’s hope more players aren’t able to find out how to do this.

To their credit, Epic has kept Season practically bug free as nothing has been temporarily removed from the game so far. Think back to Season 5 and you’ll remember the Sand Tunneling being removed from practically the entire season.

Thankfully, that hasn’t been the case for this season and we can only hope it stays that way as we continue on.

READ NEXT: How to Quickly Destroy Structures in The Pit in Fortnite

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