Thursday 1 July 2021

Diablo 4 is Fixing a Big Diablo 3 Oversight

While we still don’t have a ton of news about Diablo 4, we have been getting frequent updates from Blizzard about the development of the game.

Meanwhile, support for Diablo 3 has continued and we’re on the cusp of Diablo 2: Resurrected, so the present and future of the franchise is looking quite good.

Despite this, it’s no secret that the most anticipated entry in the franchise is Diablo 4, and Blizzard’s latest update has revealed that they have fixed a glaring issue from Diablo 3.

Characters are big part of the game as the class you pick will determine your playstyle and what abilities you can use. In Diablo 3, your character will look just like any other character who picks the same class as you.

Blizzard’s latest update has confirmed this won’t be the case in Diablo 4, rectifying a big problem with the last installment.

Character Customization is Here

diablo 4 character customization


In the quarterly update, Blizzard shows off the character customization that Diablo 4 has to offer.

Instead of looking like everybody else in the game, your character will be able to feel like your own, and this is something entirely new to the franchise.

With this being the first new entry in close to a decade, it shouldn’t be shocking that a graphical overhaul was in order. If you compare the look of D4 to D3, the difference is night and day and Blizzard chalks this up to the big improvements they’ve made in development.

“We made massive improvements to the level of detail, the surfacing of complex materials like skin, cloth simulation, hair, fur, metal, even down to the details of the highlights of the eyes and rivulets of perspiration,” says the update. “We built a robust character customization system that is entirely new to Diablo and it was a daunting amount of technical character work.”

For players who like to spend a lot of time making their perfect character, it’s looking like there will be a lot of options available.

Art Improved Across the Board

In a series of videos that also came out with the update, Blizzard showcased a variety of classes and you don’t have to look very hard to see the massive improvements.

It is worth mentioning that Diablo 3 came out in 2012 and graphics have made a big advancement since then. Diablo 4 will be releasing on the Xbox Series X and PS5, so it will likely look incredible on those consoles.

Blizzard also has plans to release the game on Xbox One and PS4, so the advancements likely won’t be as massive on those platforms.

At the very least, it’ll look a lot better than Diablo 3 does on the last-gen consoles. Then again, people likely aren’t playing Diablo for the graphics, but they do play a big role nowadays.

We’ll just have to wait and see if the gameplay is as polished as we want it to be. We’ve seen snippets of gameplay, but there are still lots of changes that likely have to be made between now and the official release date.

READ NEXT: Diablo 4 Revamps Couch Co-Op For The Better

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