Friday 30 July 2021

‘Big Brother 23’ Week 4 Nominations Prediction

In last night’s episode of “Big Brother“, Christian won Head of Household, guaranteeing safety for his entire team.

It’s going to be an interesting week, seeing as the rest of the house had hoped to target someone from Christian’s team this week. Now Christian, Alyssa, Xavier, and Sarah Beth are all automatically safe.

Christian will no doubt be a target next week unless someone from his team wins HOH. He already has three competition wins under his belt and is involved in a not-so-secret showmance.

So who will Christian nominate this week? Or maybe we should say who will ChrisAlyss nominate since Alyssa is definitely influencing Christian. Here are our predictions.

Potential Nominees

Christian and Alyssa are part of The Royal Flush alliance, along with Xavier, Sarah Beth, Derek X., Tiffany, Claire, and Kyland. What they don’t know is that Xavier, Kyland, and Tiffany are also in another alliance called The Cookout, which they are ultimately more loyal to.

Since Christian isn’t going to nominate anyone from The Royal Flush, that leaves Azah, Derek F., Britini, Whitney, and Hannah. Alyssa really wants Hannah out this week. She sees her as a huge threat since she’s clearly intelligent but has been lying very low.

However, everyone in The Cookout wants Whitney out, since Hannah is a member of The Cookout. Xavier is subtly trying to persuade his teammates Christian and Alyssa to target Whitney instead of Hannah, but he can’t be too obvious.

The Kings feel like it will create goodwill between them and the Jokers (Azah, Derek F., and Britini) if they don’t nominate anyone from their team this week. It would also be good for Xavier if Azah and Derek F. don’t touch the block, since they are in The Cookout.

It’s also worth noting that Derek X., a member of The Royal Flush, doesn’t want Whitney or Hannah to go home. They are his two remaining teammates and he isn’t sure it’s good for his game to be so outnumbered by the other teams. But there’s not much he can do about it at the moment.

Nomination Predictions

It seems almost certain that Whitney and Hannah will be nominated for eviction this week unless the Wildcard Competition makes that impossible. Christian will likely say he has no intended target, which is essentially true. His team is divided on who should go home this week.

Anything could happen, both with the Wildcard Competition and the Power of Veto. If Whitney and Hannah do get put on the block and stay there, it will be interesting to see what happens. Will The Cookout be able to convince the rest of the house that Whitney is the bigger threat? And if they can’t, will they vote to save Hannah and expose their alliance? Or will they break their allegiance to each other for the first time all season?

It’s guaranteed to be an interesting week on “Big Brother.” Stay tuned for the Wildcard Competition results and the official nomination announcement.

READ NEXT: EXCLUSIVE: Rachel Reilly’s ‘Big Brother 23’ Predictions

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