Thursday 10 June 2021

‘Loki’ Reveals How Much Power the Time Variance Authority Has

In the premiere episode of “Loki,” there is a moment where Loki, while at the Time Variance Authority (TVA), presents a rhetorical question: “Is this the greatest power in the universe?” The God of Mischief ponders the thought as he begins to realize how much power the TVA has.

Spoilers for ‘Loki’ episode 1 are ahead.

The first episode of “Loki” premiered on Disney Plus on Wednesday, and it wasted no time introducing the TVA — the organization tasked with monitoring time — to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The agency was created by the Time-Keepers and is responsible for maintaining the Sacred Timeline. The Time-Keepers have already determined how all events will play out throughout time. As such, the TVA is also responsible for addressing any threats to that timeline. The steeper and less parallel the branch is to the main timeline, the more of a concern it becomes.

When Loki takes the Tesseract in “Avengers: Endgame” during the Avengers’ trip back to 2012’s Battle of New York, he creates a timeline branch referred to as a “Nexus event.” This prompts the TVA to label the God of Mischief as “a variant,” a title given to the party responsible for a Nexus event.

As Loki is taken into custody by the TVA, he becomes aware of how much power the agency possesses — enough to make any other threat or power he has encountered seem weak in comparison.

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The Time Variance Authority Can Reset Timelines

The show picks up right where Loki leaves off in “Endgame,” escaping with the Tesseract. He ends up being transported to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. Unfortunately for the God of Mischief, the TVA promptly arrives at the scene to stop the timeline branch from worsening.

Hunter B-15, played by Wunmi Mosaku, places a collar around Loki’s neck to control him. The TVA’s Minutemen take him away through a portal to go on trial for his crime against time. But only after they reset the timeline. To do this, the TVA places and activates a Reset Charge at the scene of the timeline branch so that the timeline remains true to that of what the Time-Keepers have decided.

When Owen Wilson’s Agent Mobius is first seen in “Loki,” he is at a scene in France during the year 1549. He and other TVA employees are responding to a variant who has not only murdered the Minutemen at the scene but taken the reset charge as well.

At the end of the first episode, the variant is revealed to be another Loki. The variant is a cloaked figure seen in the episode’s closing scene — which takes place in Salina, Oklahoma during the year 1858. The variant has set fire to the Minutemen who respond to the scene, killing them, and takes possession of the reset charge meant to be used there.

The fact this variant is collecting reset charges is telling of how powerful the devices are. What a collection of such could accomplish, however, remains to be seen.

Infinity Stones are Useless at the TVA

Upon arriving at the TVA, Casey, who’s working the front desk, is tasked with taking the Tesseract to log it as evidence in Loki’s case.

Later in the episode, when Loki escapes from Agent Mobius’ watch, he approaches Casey and threatens to kill him if he doesn’t give him back the Tesseract. Casey obliges, opens a drawer on the cart he has been pushing and gives Loki access to it. Loki is relieved to be in possession of the Tesseract again, but he then realizes what else is in the drawer: numerous Infinity Stones — including duplicates of the same ones.

The TVA has confiscated Infinity Stones so many times that there is just a collection of them there. This implies that the TVA has encountered numerous parties who have come into possession of Infinity Stones when they were not meant to.

The catch? They’re useless there. Enough for some TVA employees to use them as paperweights.

Loki later learns he cannot use the Tesseract when he gets it back for himself. He also is unable to use his magic there, so he cannot resort to his normal mischievous ways while at the TVA, making Loki less of a threat.

READ NEXT: How Marvel Does Time Travel Outside of ‘Avengers: Endgame’

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