Monday 28 June 2021

‘Good Witch’ Season 7 Episode 7 Review: ‘The Magic’

Hallmark’s “Good Witch” season 7 episode 7 had a lighthearted tone as the characters tackled some tougher issues, seeking ways to move forward from their past. While the magical mystery that ties the season together only had a small revelation this week, the episode overall was an enjoyable, peaceful watch.

This article has spoilers for “Good Witch” Season 7 Episode 7. 

The Search for the Second Amulet Continues

When the episode opens, Joy feels compelled to make a vision board based on images that have been invading her dreams. Together, she and Cassie determine that the images are trying to lead her to the second amulet.

Later, when Cassie is with Sam at his parents’ house helping his sister, she sees a hope chest and gets a really strong feeling from it. Joy and Abigail get the same feeling when they see a hope chest at the bridal fair, and they all three realize at the same time that the Merriwick women were sitting on a hope chest in the painting they saw. That must be the key to finding the amulet!

Joy and Abigail open the hope chest at Grey House and find a letter inside with dried flowers.

The letter reads:

My darling Patience. These flowers are from the village where I have sought refuge from the war. Soon I shall begin my journey back to Middleton, with hopes that one day I can share the beauty of Tuscany with you. Love, William.

The signer is William Spry, and Abigail guesses that when they ran off, she took the amulet with her. So they’re not really any closer to finding the amulet. But then they realize that they can turn over Joy’s vision board, and there’s a message on the other side. It reads:

“Beware the Zenith of the Red Haloed Moon.” 

The episode ends with a question: what does this phrase mean? And how is the amulet supposed to protect them? Although in some ways I wish they had gained even more ground on the mystery in this episode, I still enjoyed the magical questions and the twist with the vision board. But I’m wondering what clue they missed from the hope chest and how it will reveal itself later?

Many Characters Were Journeying to Find Their True Calling

One theme of the episode involves characters’ trying to determine their true calling.

Stephanie finds an old list she made when she was 14 of everything she wanted to accomplish before she was old. It includes getting a tattoo, reading “War and Peace,” bungee jumping, riding a motorcycle, and more. She makes a lot of strides toward accomplishing things on the list and is feeling pretty empowered by it all.

That’s when Adam steps in and suggests that maybe she should focus on her current goals. That moment reminded me why Stephanie and Adam aren’t the best match. Stephanie was still actively accomplishing her current goals while trying to expand her horizons. I don’t think Adam and Stephanie understand each other that well. They’re definitely better off as friends.

Martha is also seeking her “true calling” in this episode as she feels pulled between her job as mayor and being a grandmother. She installs George as interim mayor, but it only lasts a day before they both realize that Martha can handle being a grandmother and mayor at the same time just fine.

Adam is also having some growing pains of his own. His first service at his church’s new location is only attended by two people: George and Stephanie. He ultimately ends up returning to his job at the hospital, while pursuing growing the church on the side. It’s a wise choice, and at the end we see a few more people in his church, while he gives a sermon about hope and how we’re better together than alone.

Adam’s journey also involves Monica discovering that her true calling still involves working at the hospital too. Monica’s really torn up about what happened to her patient, Edward. She says his transplant went perfectly and he died unexpectedly.

“I can’t figure out what I did wrong,” she says, heartbroken. She’s not sure she wants to keep practicing medicine, because she’s taking this so hard. But Adam encourages Monica to realize that she is a good doctor because she cares. A lot of patients need the hope and encouragement she brings, he tells her. So it looks like Monica won’t be leaving medicine after all.

Two Relationships Move Forward

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The episode begins with Abigail and Donovan feeling like they don’t truly know each other, since they spent so much time early on in their relationship fighting the curse. But they ultimately realize that they really do understand each other and they’re ready to move forward with getting married. In fact, Abigail even finds her wedding dress, which is stunning!

Joy and Zoey, meanwhile, have a bit of a rocky start, but smooth things out in the end. Joy sends flowers to Zoey and spends most of the episode worried about Zoey’s response. Zoey’s struggling because she feels like she’s betraying her late girlfriend Avery. She’s also really overthinking the meaning of the yellow roses included with her bouquet.

Joy, meanwhile, is worried that Zoey is ghosting her. George encourages her to just be patient, because Zoey likely wants to take things slow and is figuring out what to say. After a few days, Zoey visits Joy with flowers of her own. Zoey says she wasn’t expecting to feel the way she does and it just took her some time.

Interestingly, Stephanie and Shawn’s relationship didn’t make any kind of an appearance or a mention in this episode. Although I enjoy the two together, I didn’t really miss them this week.

Abigail Has Competition

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At the bridal fair, Abigail and Joy run into Parker Jordan. He’s the man who offered to buy Abigail’s flower shop and then rescinded the offer by email. Now he’s starting a new floral kiosk in town and is going to be her competition. After he steals a few of her customers, she realizes they’re in an outright business war.

So this is going to be an interesting storyline. Most of the characters in this town work together pretty well (just like Adam’s sermon mentioned.) But Parker looks like he’s going to approach things differently, and it might get ugly.

Sam’s Magic Helps His Sister Move Forward

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Sam’s sister, Joanne, is struggling with the unexpected direction her life has taken. We last saw her in Season 3 when she appeared in two episodes. In that episode, she admitted to Sam that she was diagnosed with episodic ataxia that’s degenerative but not fatal. Now it seems she is getting worse and her legs aren’t doing well, Sam tells Cassie. She took a fall and he and Cassie go to visit her at his parents’ home while they’re out of town.

Jo reveals to Cassie that when he was a kid, Sam used to do magic with his grandfather. They called themselves “the Remarkable Radfords.” Cassie tries to put on a magic show for Sam, but she can’t pull off any of the tricks. She tries to use this as a way to encourage Sam to do some of his old tricks again, which eventually works. He even ends up mastering his grandfather’s lemon twist magic trick, which he had never figured out before.

Sam’s mastery of that old trick also encourages Jo to face some things that she was having trouble dealing with too. She ultimately decides that it’s time to use her wheelchair.

Overall, this episode was heartwarming, with a lighter tone. The highlight was Sam’s time with his sister, as they tackled some very tough subjects, and the revelation about Joy’s vision board.

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