Thursday, 3 June 2021

Former ‘American Idol’ Finalist Undergoes Second Brain Surgery in Cancer Fight

Former “American Idol” finalist Avalon Young announced that she has been diagnosed with brain cancer in late 2020. The artist announced in May 2021 that she had to undergo a second brain surgery.

According to TMZ, Young was diagnosed with brain cancer after having multiple medical issues in November 2020. After visiting the hospital due to those issues, a large tumor was discovered in Young’s brain, and she went through a 16-hour surgery in February 2021 to get the tumor removed.

Young was a finalist on season 15 of “American Idol.”

Young’s Second Surgery was Eight Hours Long

According to People, Young’s second surgery was eight hours long and is the second of three possible surgeries.

“The mass of the tumor was really, really big at the time and was really important for them to get out,” she shared with People prior to the second surgery. “So, with this second surgery, they want to get out as much as they can so when they go on with radiation and chemo, they have a better chance of fully killing all the cancer that’s in there.”

She also said that she’s trying to keep a positive attitude even thought it is difficult sometimes.

“I feel like I’m mostly just angry with the thought of cancer in general,” she told People. “It’s hard to get used to the fact that, at 26 years old, I’m dealing with it, but I’m going to fight it. We’re going to get through it and, and that’ll be that.”

Young Launched a GoFundMe to Pay For Surgery

Young launched a GoFundMe crowdfunding campaign in order to help pay for her medical expenses that stemmed from her diagnosis and surgery.

The campaign had a goal of $250,000 and has raised around $87,000 at the time of writing. The most recent update was posted on May 29, 2021, and it told donators that Young was released from the hospital after an 8-hour brain surgery “that removed more of the cancerous tumor in two sections of her front left temporal lobe.”

The family will be attending the post-operation appointment on June 9 when they will find out the next steps in the cancer treatment, according to the update.

Even with everything happening in her life, Young took the time to release new music. Young released her EP, “Lush,” on June 1, 2021.

Young first announced her diagnosis on Instagram and later underwent her first surgery, which was 16 hours long.

“I’ve really struggled with the right way to share this information with people but I know that it’s time for me to talk about it,” she wrote in February. “In November 2020 I began having simple partial seizures. Doctors told me it was my anxiety and gave me medications, homeopathic doctors told me I had an issue with serotonin and gave me pounds of vitamins.”

She added that she had bloodwork done as well as tests run, but there were no signs of any problems until she had an MRI.

“A week or so later, the doctor called to let me know that I had a mass legion tumor on my left frontal lobe,” she shared. “They said the size was about as big as a peach and I would need immediate care.”

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