Thursday 10 June 2021

Epic Teases New Fortnite Season 7 Locations in the Future

The start of Fortnite Season 7 didn’t bring as many map changes are you might have expected, but that doesn’t mean the developers are going to be spending the rest of the season doing nothing.

Instead, fans tweeted at Epic Games Vice President Mark Rein and asked him if there would be any new points of interest added later on this season. If you remember, he’s been summarizing the new seasons with one word and has become a bit known for that.

This time around, he was asked to give a hint about new POIs, and, in true Mark Rein fashion, he delivered in the best way they could.

*Insert Hint Here*

The Epic Games VP was asked to give a hint or “something,” so, of course, he had to take the easy way out.

It would have been quite naive to expect no more changes would come to Fortnite in the future considering even last season had some map changes, albeit some very small ones.

What fans have been disappointed with is the fact that Season 7 pretty much just renamed a few places and called it a day. There are now special IO Guard locations that have multiple levels, so those are cool, but that’s about it.

Sweaty Sands was renamed to Believer Beach, but it’s the same spot. Colossal Crops being renamed to Corny Complex, and that is a pretty cool spot, even if it is the same place you’ve been before.

We’re just a couple of days into the season at this point and we have a long way to go until the end. There’s already more to look forward to this time around because we know the looming spaceship in the sky will have to be dealt with at some point.

Changes Have Already Been Made

fortnite ufo nerf

Epic Games

While the map has stayed the same so far in Season 7, some other changes have been made. Ever since the season began, players have been split on whether or not the UFOs are good for the game.

They are available in both regular lobbies and in Arena, meaning players on all ends of the spectrum will need to go against them and learn to adjust their strategies.

Perhaps because of that reason, it didn’t take very long for Epic Games to step in and give them a nerf. On paper, the nerf seems pretty small but they actually slowed down the firing rate of the UFO, so players being bombarded by one have a better chance at fighting back now.

Another gun that players have had in their sights as one that needs a nerf is the Rail Gun. Nothing has been done so far and as more and more players get used to it, there’s no guarantee one will come.

Remember, this will be a long season and there’s no sense in changing things just a few days in. Players should at least get a little of time to get used to the changes to see if they can adapt and learn.

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