Sunday 16 May 2021

‘Good Witch’ Season 7 Premiere Review: It’s Good to Be Back

The season 7 premiere of “Good Witch” has finally aired on The Hallmark Channel. Last season ended with a hint of mystery when three purple bags were given to Cassie, Joy, and Abigail. And while Adam and Stephanie’s relationship was in limbo, Abigail and Donovan’s finally broke through the curse that was holding it back. But now, a whole new set of problems are facing the people of Middleton, and today’s episode is just the beginning.

The first episode of “Good Witch” provided a solid foundation for kicking off the season. Loose ends from last year were tied up and new stories were gently nudged into being. Nothing too dramatic happened until the end, but viewers could definitely see that more magic is brewing this season than we’ve seen in recent years past.

This is a review of “Good Witch” Season 7 Episode 1, so there will be SPOILERS.

When the episode begins, we see Joy as a little girl on a beach, creating a symbol with stones in the sand. Her dad finds another stone to add to the symbol, and she gives her dad a big hug. That’s when Joy wakes up in present-day from the dream, the purple bag visible near her bed. I’m immediately led to wonder if the bag itself somehow caused her to have this dream from her past.

That morning, Joy’s reluctant to tell Cassie about her dream, but she’s wondering if she has any leads on the purple bags. Her question is cut short when Cassie’s foster brother Vincent returns, surprising her. Then Martha shows up for a visit, and Dottie arrives to help plan the engagement party.

This is a great way to start the new season, with a cozy morning at Grey House while Cassie bakes fresh goodies and many of the main characters stop by to chat. It almost feels like being home again.

Martha & Claire Must Find an Even Ground Again

Martha’s daughter-in-law Claire is staying for the week at the Tinsdale House while Dylan’s on the road. Claire is very pregnant and looks like she’s going to give birth any second. From the start, Martha and Claire are getting along a lot better since they had that big talk last season. In fact, Martha’s really pulling out all the stops for her daughter-in-law, giving her an almost salon-like experience at the house. But nothing she does is quite good enough. Claire is feeling so sick from her pregnancy that none of Martha’s ideas are landing right, and Claire is almost driving Martha and Tom to exhaustion with all her demands.

Cassie gives Martha a beautiful bell that Claire can ring for help. This only works for a while though, when Clare starts to abuse the bell. Tom and Martha are about to lay down the law in the house, when they find a sweet note from Claire along with beautifully baked tiramisu. The two decide they can handle everything for a little longer, in what becomes a very sweet moment in the Tinsdale house. (Until the bell rings again!)

This storyline was a little less dramatic than some of the other stories we might see in Middleton, but it was a nice reminder of how far Claire and Martha have come since last season.

All Is Not Perfect for Abigail & Donovan

Abigail and Donovan finally broke the curse last season, so you’d expect the couple to be doing wonderfully now that all the stress has been lifted from their relationship. But that’s not what’s happening with these two at all.

Donovan’s brother, Daniel, comes to town for the engagement party, but Donovan’s not very happy about the news. He tells Abigail that Daniel’s the golden boy of the family and everything with him is a competition. But as it turns out, Daniel’s not the only one in that family who’s overly competitive.

We learn that Donovan and Abigail are wanting a long engagement that doesn’t involve choosing a wedding date. After everything they’ve been through, they just want a break to be together without added stress. But the idea of telling his mom stresses Donovan out, so he keeps putting off breaking the news to Dottie. This seems like a realistic storyline that some viewers might be able to relate to. But still, after how much Donovan’s fought for their relationship, it seems odd that he won’t take the extra step of just being honest with his mom.

Of course, Donovan’s brother’s arrival adds pressure too! They cast a good choice for his brother. Daniel and Donovan even sound similar when they talk. But neither Daniel nor Donovan is doing well in their relationship right now. Daniel makes Quinn mad when she realizes he didn’t prepare Donovan for the news that he’s dating (and bringing) Donovan’s ex-girlfriend to the party. She’s so mad that she decides to leave the next day. Meanwhile, Abigail and Donovan are struggling too. (I can’t help but wonder if Abigail and Quinn might bond over the issues they’re having with the brothers!)

The engagement party turns out beautifully, but just as Daniel and Abigail are about to kiss, it starts to rain. They handle that well (even though I’m getting some serious curse flashbacks in this scene), but things quickly go south. Donovan still won’t tell his mom that they’re planning to have a long engagement, even when she announces that she’s found a wedding planner for them. 

“Love isn’t always perfect. It’s about being perfect together,” Cassie tells them in a toast.

Donovan basically has to be forced into sharing the news about their long engagement, which leads to Daniel mocking him and the two brothers getting into a fight. But the fight later spills over into Abigail and Donovan’s relationship. Abigail has to confront Donovan about everything. But rather than taking any of the blame, Donovan leaves, needing some time alone.

I’m not sure what’s at the heart of the trouble between this couple. As a viewer, this storyline was just a bit tiresome for me, since we watched the two struggle to even be together all last season. Now that they’ve finally broken the curse, will they realize that they aren’t actually compatible after all?

Vincent Is Back & Looking for His Mom

Cassie speaks about her parents briefly at the beginning of the episode, and we even get to see a picture of them. Since she doesn’t talk about them much, I can’t help but wonder if we’re going to be delving more into Cassie’s past this season.

We’ll definitely be learning more about her foster brother Vincent’s past, though. He’s hired a PI to find his mother, and the investigator succeeded. She lives only an hour away. (In case you’re wondering, we haven’t seen Vincent on “Good Witch” since Season 5 in 2019, when he was in the majority of the season.)

Some other fans are wondering if Vincent and Stephanie might have a future storyline together.

Vincent certainly did talk about being single quite a bit in this episode, and Stephanie’s on her own now.

Stephanie Is Trying to Figure Out Her Life Without Adam

At the Bistro Cafe, Stephanie explains to Cassie that she’s been on a few dates since Adam left for his mission trip, but nothing exciting. When Adam shows up for a visit though, we learn that his experience has been very different from hers since the two separated. When Stephanie leans in to kiss Adam, he pulls back. He met someone else while they were separated. He still has feelings for Stephanie, but he really cares for this new woman Eileen and is planning on going on another mission trip with her.

“Fear is temporary, but regret is forever,” Cassie and Adam tell each other. The whole situation with Adam is revealing to Stephanie that she wants to do more with her life too.

She and Joy decide to both make vision boards to plan their hopes and dreams for the future. Joy puts a picture of an owl and an eclipse on her vision board, but she’s not really sure why. Stephanie, meanwhile, starts dreaming about ways to make their Bistro an even bigger hit and expand the cafe.

The Secret of the Velvet Bags

The mystery of the velvet bags runs through the entire episode. When Joy and Abigail are discouraged by how long it’s taking them to figure out the mystery, Cassie reminds them that sometimes you have to stare at a puzzle longer than you expected. Later that day, she and Sam go on their date on a boat.

But the engine breaks down and they end up on a beautiful beach. While there, she hears a mysterious song and is drawn to follow it. She ends up at the same symbol that Joy saw herself making in her dream.

This is perhaps one of the most interesting scenes in the first episode. The mysterious song and Cassie’s expression as she realizes something deeper’s afoot really draw the viewer into the mystery.

At the end of the episode, Joy, Cassie, and Abigail are all drawn back to those purple bags. They meet together, each bringing their bag, and pour the contents on a table. It forms the same symbol that Cassie saw on the beach and that Joy saw in her dream. Cassie hasn’t spoken to Joy about what she saw on the beach, for some reason, and neither has clued Abigail into the mystery yet. But now here it is, staring right back at them.

George appears in the background of the scene. He was behind the bags?!

“I think it’s time we had a talk,” he tells the three women, as the episode ends.

That was an unexpected ending! I never imagined that George was somehow the one behind all of this. It’s left me really interested in finding out what’s going to happen next.

READ NEXT: Hallmark’s Schedule of New Movies for May 2021

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