Thursday 11 March 2021

Pregnant Catelynn Baltierra Called Out by ‘Teen Mom’ Fans, Again

Teen Mom OG star Catelynn Baltierra was mocked again by viewers after they spotted another “Tupperware” container in the latest episode. Catelynn was previously ridiculed by some fans after she urinated in the reusable container to take multiple pregnancy tests. While some people were uneasy about Catelynn placing the container on the top of the kitchen table, others were more concerned with the color of the liquid inside the Tupperware.

The first incident sparked multiple Reddit posts and threads. The second still garnered attention with a post that attracted more than 1,600 upvotes and dozens of comments, though it didn’t exactly elicit the same type of response the first incident did.

Original poster degeneratepile wrote, “When your mom uses the same Tupperware for everything..”

“Makes me reminisce of my childhood, eating cereal out of a spaghetti stained Tupperware bowl,” outta_my_element wrote.

“I finally saw the pee episode and it was so much more shocking and disgusting than I even imagined,” runtyaardvark added.

And spaghatta111 said: “This is tagged as a s*** post, but this is more of a p*** post.”

Catelynn & Tyler Find Out the Owner of Nova’s Daycare Was Married to a Registered Sex Offender

When your mom uses the same Tupperware for everything.. from TeenMomOGandTeenMom2

While some fans harped on the container, Catelynn and Tyler had a serious conversation after they discovered the owner of a daycare Nova attended was married to a registered sex offender. They wanted to find the right way to talk to her about her body and how to teach her boundaries with others so she can “protect” herself.

Catelynn said her mother talked to her about it a “handful” of times when she was younger, but Tyler had a different experience. He was the only boy growing up in a house full of women and girls, and he said no one said anything to him.

But he wants to do something different with his children. “The better we can prepare them before something happens, the better they can handle that situation if it does happen, instead of just pretending it never happens,” Tyler said.

Catelynn & Tyler Teach Nova About Her ‘Bubble’

The couple decided to have a conversation about setting boundaries with others after they found out that a boy at school told her he loved her, wanted to get married, and asked Nova for a kiss. Both Tyler and Catelynn chuckled at the scenario but figured it was the right time to talk to her about the invisible “bubble” that surrounds her.

They told her everyone has an invisible and if someone gets too close to the “bubble,” Nova has the power to tell them to go away.

To get advice on how to have the conversation with her, Catelynn and Tyler met with experts from Blue Sky Bridge, an organization that aims to keep children safe from child abuse and also provides education for parents.

“We believe it is the responsibility of adults to keep children safe,” their website states. “At Blue Sky Bridge, we offer a range of training, which can be completed on location or in our office. These training sessions will teach adults methods for working with youth.”

READ NEXT: Catelynn Baltierra Shares Daughter’s Reaction to Baby Name: Video

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