Friday 19 February 2021

Carson Wentz Breaks Silence on Philadelphia Eagles Divorce

It’s been almost two months since Carson Wentz posted anything to his Instagram account. On Friday evening, after a whirlwind three weeks of trade rumors, the former Philadelphia Eagles quarterback (sounds weird, right?) bid farewell to the franchise that drafted him in 2016.

Wentz still hasn’t spoken publicly on what went wrong in Philly and, taking into account his introverted personality, the 28-year-old may never reveal his true feelings. However, Wentz felt the need to take a moment to acknowledge all the “memories and relationships” from the past five years in a fitting tribute.

First, he thanked his Eagles teammates before turning his attention to the City of Philadelphia and Eagles fans across the world — and finished by paying homage to the Eagles’ organization for “making my NFL dream come true.”

He mentioned former coach Doug Pederson, general manager Howie Roseman, and team owner Jeffrey Lurie all by name. Here’s the full transcript of the epic post:

More than anything, I will miss my teammates. Thank you. I appreciate every one of you and will never forget the relationships and
memories made over the years. So many lifelong relationships have been formed in that locker room. Thank you for the fellowship, the camaraderie in the locker room, and the daily battles out on the practice field!

To the City of Philadelphia—Thank you. You have been my home for the past five years. It has been everything a kid from Bismarck, North Dakota could have dreamed of. My family grew here, had a lot of fun, ate a lot of great food, got to be a part of an incredible church, and so many more memories off the field. On the field, we brought the Lombardi trophy home to Philly and hopefully brought a lot of joy to the city over the years. Thank you to the amazing Eagles fans across the World that have supported my family, our foundation, and our football team through all of the wins and losses. It was an honor to play in a city whose passion and love for their football team is unrivaled. Thank you for supporting my family and our AO1 foundation—we hope we have made a positive impact in the communities in Philly and look forward to continuing our efforts to impact the area!

Thank you to the Eagles organization for drafting me and making my NFL dream come true. Thank you Mr. Lurie, Howie Roseman & the Eagles front office, Coach Pederson & all of my coaches, our training staff, our equipment staff and all of the support staff at the Nova Care Complex. It has been an amazing journey and I wish you all the best.

As one chapter closes, another one begins. And I’m excited to join the Indianapolis Colts and look forward to the work ahead! God’s plan!

Hebrews 12:1-2 #AO1

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Enduring the Cross, Scorning Its Shame

Wentz predictably ended his football sermon with a bible passage, from the Epistle to the Hebrews. Everyone who knows anything about the kid from North Dakota knows how much religion guides him and motivates him.

In this specific passage, the author — traditionally attributed to Paul the Apostle — speaks on staring at Jesus Christ on the cross.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

He has always credited his strong Christian faith for keeping him grounded, not inflating his ego.

“It can be easy to get consumed with your worldly, fleshly train of thought or desires or whatever,” Wentz told the Associated Press after signing his massive contract extension in 2019. “But when you look at everything from an internal perspective, from a Biblical perspective, and just know that this is so much bigger than just me and my life or where I’m at in my career, football, it’s so much bigger.”


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