Monday 8 February 2021

13 Best Hair Removal Creams (2021)

Sure. You’re thinking I’m at it again… ranting about unwanted facial and body hair. Okay, it’s true. I am ranting, because being super hairy isn’t something any woman (or man) wants to deal with, and frankly the solutions don’t seem all that friendly.

I’ve looked at professional treatments, at home lasers, epilators, and plenty of other methods (like waxing – ouch!) that we won’t even discuss here. The bottom line is, when you’re a lady, you don’t want to go around sporting a mustache or tiny goatee. And if you’re a guy? Let’s be frank – that gorilla chest and back isn’t your ideal look either.

As silly as it sounds, hair removal isn’t always openly talked about. Seems as though we’re all a little embarrassed to admit we’ve got this prickly problem. But when you inherit the family pelt, you’re just hairy. Worse yet, when middle age strikes, extra hairs seem keen to sprout in the most unwanted of places.

In searching for the best hair removal cream, I focused on some facial hair removal creams because that’s the hair women are least likely to want to deal with. But you’ll see there are lots of reviews and recommendations for creams that work on legs, armpits and yes, that oh so tender bikini line too. I’ve also called out several formulas that are specifically for men, and not just for their body hair either. We’re talking about gentle formulas that can even tackle their fur “down under.”

All in all, much like lasers, plucking and shaving, there’s something you should know about hair removal creams. If you’re not careful, they can hurt. Some users have even reported blisters, skin discoloration and scarring, so it’s important to pay super-close attention to directions, and especially application times. For instance, just because your upper lip hairs are more prickly than peach fuzz, you don’t want to leave this stuff on too long.

Some hair removal creams take as little as three or four minutes to do the deed, while others take up to ten. Just throw on your robe and be sure to start with clean skin and a good timer. Also, be sure to lock the bathroom door so no one catches you with your face (or your boy parts) slathered up like a creamy white pirate.

Remember, everyone’s hair and skin are different, so take time to do a product strip test, on your arm or a less noticeable area of your body, to be sure you don’t have a bad reaction.

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