Saturday 23 January 2021

Katie Thurston Teases Upcoming Feud on ‘The Bachelor’

Fans were quick to praise Katie Thurston during last week’s episode of The Bachelor as she supported Sarah Trott during her exit. The woman nicknamed “the dildo girl” then followed up that praise with an appearance on Bachelor Happy Hour where she hinted she will be involved in an upcoming feud with this season’s villain “Queen” Victoria Larson.

“We are there on our own free will, and so, and say what we want and if you want to lean into your, you know, so-called persona and just be like this ultimate villain, that’s your choice to make and the consequences to deal with,” Thurston told podcast co-hosts Rachel Lindsay and Becca Kufrin. She added, “But ultimately we make the decisions we make we do and say the things we do. And unfortunately, she may not have realized what she does and says and how it comes off and I do hope she grows from this.”

Larson’s villain role will not mesh with Thurston moving forward. The bank marketing manager continued, “You see in previews, her [Larson] and I don’t exactly see eye to eye and we’ll just see how that goes going forward.”

Larson has already faced her fair share of drama in the house, clashing with her roommate Marylynn Sienna during the first week and leading the charge against Trott last week. She has continued to draw criticism from viewers, being accused of bullying Trott out of the house. For her part, Thurston spoke with Trott one-on-one after the former journalist stirred drama in the house and warned the other women to be kind when she chose to leave.

Thurston was quick to note Larson was not all-bad, sharing, “She definitely has her good and bad moments like we all do. Like I said, that date, the erotica date, she was hilarious. She was the superstar that date. We all loved it and laughed and it kind of brought us all together for at least a moment of time.”

However, despite a week’s worth of footage being boiled down into two hours, Thurston is not blaming editing for Larson’s negative portrayal. “You can’t edit someone to be a certain way because you said what you said, you did what you did,” she said.

A ‘Bachelor’ Promo Provides a Sneak Peek at Their Confrontation

A sneak peek at episode four of The Bachelor provides some clues into what starts their feud. Larson asks Thurston to have a conversation, telling her, “I just really didn’t like when you shut me down during group conversation.”

Thurston was quick to retort, “Are you talking about today when you were calling Sarah names?” to which Larson clarified, “When I said ‘the trash took itself out.’”

Thurston refused to give the “Queen” the apology she asked for, telling her, “If that’s how you want to express yourself and you want to be toxic and rude, go for it.”

Quick to respond, Larson referenced the sex toy Thurston used during her night one entrance saying, “Yeah, and if you want to express yourself with your dildo and think you are ready for an engagement, you can do that.”

Thurston Has a Heart-to-Heart With Trott Before Her Exit

The drama with Trott started when the former journalist interrupted a group date during Thurston’s one-on-one time with Matt James. Despite expressing her frustration at the moment, Thurston was the only one to seek out Trott for a heart-to-heart after being isolated amongst the other contestants.

“If you have a connection with Matt and if Matt has a connection with you, as much as I hate to say it, I have to have you guys explore that completely because I don’t want to be his backup plan,” Thurston originally told Trott before she explained she was also struggling being away from her father during his battle with ALS.

“My dad passed away in 2012, so I 100% encourage you to be with him. If I could get back the minutes I had with him,” continued Thurston, adding, “And I missed out on my goodbye to my dad, so I would never want that for you.”

She then warned the other women to be kind during Trott’s exit because they don’t know other’s stories.

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