Wednesday 20 January 2021

Is Jon Bon Jovi a Democrat or a Republican?

Jon Bon Jovi is a Democrat who campaigned for President Joe Biden and served on former President Barack Obama’s White House Council for Community Solutions. Bon Jovi is among the performers at “Celebrating America,” a concert commemorating the inauguration of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Bon Jovi is outspoken in politics and supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election campaign. He is also active in his New Jersey community with his Soul Foundation and worked with Gov. Chris Christie for Superstorm Sandy relief.

Celebrating America is a 90-minute special hosted by Tom Hanks. It begins at 8:30 p.m.

Here’s what you need to know:

Bon Jovi Recently Released a Politically Charged Album, 2020, Which Addresses George Floyd, Gun Violence & Donald Trump

Bon Jovi had an album scheduled for release in 2020 before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was initially going to be called Bon Jovi 2020, and as the year went on, the album became more politically motivated as he added tracks recorded in his home studio during the lockdown.

“There’s a wryness, because it’s an election year, but it’s also because I have a clear vision of where the band is going, so that was the double entendre,” he told GQ in February about his original name for the album.

The album was originally scheduled for release in May. He later added two tracks, one which addressed the death of George Floyd, and a second which addresses the pandemic. He told the magazine he wanted the album to be uniting and start a conversation.

“I am very concerned because there’s such an extreme divide that it’s almost as if the nation is saying you’re with me or you’re against me,” he told GQ. “I like to think I was taking the position throughout the record of saying, ‘Let’s have a conversation.’ Consider the song ‘Lower The Flag.’ A gun rights advocate is going to say, ‘This is my gun, you can’t take it away, our constitution says so.’ The argument would be common sense laws. This isn’t a conversation about that. The song says, ‘If there’s something we can talk about, let’s talk about it.’ So all I’m saying in the song is if this were to happen to your family member how would you feel?”

Bon Jovi Said ‘I Don’t Make Music to Pander’ in a Recent Interview

Bon Jovi spoke about his politics in recent interviews, and said he wants to remain true to himself.

“If a fan wants to get off the ride because I made a topical record, not a political record, then I’m sorry, but that’s OK,” he told app. “I don’t make music to pander.”

He also performed at a benefit for Biden, held by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

“Thank you to everyone who tuned in to the virtual concert last night,” he wrote on Instagram in October. “Shows are looking a little different for us now that we can’t be together in person… but regardless, it was a huge honor to perform in support of @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris. Please get out there and #VOTE — the outcome of this election is going to be more important than ever, not just for us, but for future generations. Check out the link in my bio for resources to help you make a voting plan. #BidenHarris2020.”

He also shared a photo with Biden on his Instagram page in the hours leading up to the inauguration.

“I am very honored to be part of the Presidential Inauguration tomorrow alongside so many incredible people. Tune in at 8:30pm as we ring in the new Administration of @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris. #Inauguration2021,” he wrote.

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